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Ok (Dog)

American Eskimo Dog photo by R. Southworth CC-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Within the Maya Tzolk’in (Sacred Count of Days) the daysign known as Ok (pronounced “oak”) represents the Guardian Dog, symbolic of love, devotion, and companionship. In Maya mythology Ok not only brings fire (warmth and comfort) to humans, but also serves as the “light in the darkness”, the guide, including the guide for the human soul after death. Ok represents timeless loyalty and faithfulness.

Our jewelry items that are representative of Ok include one-of-a-kind porcelain pendants, some strung on cord, some beaded, some silver-backed, and some multi-fired with lustres. “Monumental” style items are those with the little “feet”. “Codex” style items are those without the “feet”. Sterling silver pendants are also available, along with personalized pieces. Click here for a Date Decoder to find the Maya Calendar equivalent to your date of birth.



Corded Porcelain Pendants


Beaded Porcelain Pendants


Special Edition


Sterling Silver Daysigns

*Please contact us if you would like to order this with something other than what is shown (eg. One Ok, Two Ok, Three Ok, etc.)