In addition to the Maya daysign jewelry and hieroglyphic word glyphs we can also create more complex custom items. A few examples are shown below.
If you would like to order something special please contact us and we can discuss possibilities and pricing.

A custom Sterling Silver 13 B’en, in pre-Maya Teotihuacan style. approx. 1.5″ wide by 2.25″ high.
Example of a daysign image that could be made into either a pendant (with bail attached to the top) or a belt buckle. As the 260-day calendar was used throughout Mesoamerica there are many different stylistic variations for each of the daysigns.

Sterling Silver Ix (Jaguar) belt buckle, approx. 3.5″ wide x 2.5″ high (example only). Bird and animal symbolism ties in with the Maya Calendar in a varety of ways, in conjunction with the days themselves and their associated numbers. This is a design based on one of the Mesoamerican “power” animals – the Jaguar.

Silver “New Fire” bolo (example only). Every 52 years the Maya Calendar completes a Calendar Round return to an exact number + day and exact number + month combination, after 52 years of unique energies (see MCA blog, Maya Calendar Rounds entry). This was seen as an important time marker, known also as the “New Fire”. This bolo depicts a New Fire glyph inset with gemstones.